HND stands for Higher National Diploma. It is UK based qualification, which is acceptable around the world and is considered as UK Intermediate and UK Graduation.HND is being offered by Pearson UK Board which is directly supervised by EDEXCEL University, these are basically called vocational qualifications which means the awarding body is in one country and supervised and is being taught in multiple countries, these are also called as transnational qualifications. In Pakistan it is recognized by HEC, Assessment is being carried out on the basis of assignments prepared by students as per the directions of the main borad, assignments are being verified by Pearson Board and grades are allocated to the students, there are no any exams in HND at any level. According to UK qualification pattern, CPE is offering HND level-3, level-4,5 and PGD level-7 qualifications in both of it’s campuses;
Assessment is being subdivided in multiple grading system
It is up to 70 % , any of the assignment which contains less than 70 % marks is not acceptable for verification process, CPE guarantees up to 70 % at least against any of the assignment
For good enough efforts there is always reward, if student shows extra efforts for uniqueness for the purpose of encouragement merit grade is being awarded up to merit level, obviously teachers guidance is always available in this regard. Merit grade is awarded up to 85 %
If a student met all of the criteria’s and requirements of the assignment, distinction grade is being allocated to the student and it is up to 85 % and above
HND level-3
HND level-3 contains 16 units in total and is of two years. After completing this student get dual degrees
HND level-3 diploma from Pearson Board
Intermediate Equalance certificate from HEC in Pakistan
Entry Route
Students can enroll themselves in HND level-3 after Metric and O-Levels.
HND level-4, 5
HND level-4, 5 contains 15 units in total and is of two years, first year is called HNC (Level-4) and second year is called HND (level-5). After completing this, students get dual degrees
HND level-5 diploma from Pearson Board which is also called UK Graduation.
14 Years Bachelor’s certificate (B-COM) from HEC in Pakistan.
Entry Route
Students can enroll themselves in HND level-5 after Level-3, A-levels, Intermediate, ACCA, CA through any aspect of studies.
PGD level-7
CPE is also offering Post Graduate Diploma in Strategic management and Leadership level-7 which is first year of International MBA. After completing this student can enroll directly in International MBA top up semester in International Universities. Student can also enroll himself/herself in local Pakistani universities for MBA.
Entry Route
Students can enroll themselves for level-7 after completing any of graduation degree like BA, B-COM.

- These are transnational qualifications and are recognized world over and provides entry routes in other International qualifications like ACCA,CA,LLB,MBA, MCOM, CIMA, CMA, CFA,CPA,ICAEW etc.
- In visa processing HND facilitate at its best level if a student wants to move for study purposes.
- On the basis of HND students can apply both for local and International qualifications.
- HND is a best way to get higher qualifications by utilizing minimum time periods
- On the basis of HND students can apply both for Government and private jobs.